We invest in our cars to ensure that they keep working; but somehow believe that investing financially in our relationship is unnecessary. Relationship breakdown has huge financial cost, and healthy relationships require time, energy and an understanding of relationship dynamics, along with the skills to relate well with one another. Yet we are not taught how to resolve relationship issues and often believe we should be able to work through these issues ourselves. We will let the excerpt below speak to this.
The Listener, Feb 12 – 18, 2005, had this to say on Page 17:
“If there is one point on which economists, financial brokers, budget advisers and sundry experts agree, it is on the single best investment to ensure sufficient savings, an investment better than NZX shares, unit trusts or equity funds, virtually money in the bank . . . . Relationship Counselling. It sounds flippant, but it isn’t.
The biggest cause of financial impoverishment for the mid-lifers saving for retirement is divorce and separation, say the Listener experts . . . . . . . perhaps an investment in making a relationship work is the best saving any pre-retiree can make.”
If you need to do the workshop and can not afford it, then please contact us. We are hoping to make scholarships available shortly, and in the meantime are open to finding ways to make it work for you.