Imago Relationship Therapy (IRT) is a coherent, comprehensive and dynamic theory and practice, offering a cutting edge and effective method for working with couples. Relationship science has made giant leaps in the last decade and our work with couples is now more succinct, lazered, and effective. IRT offers systematic, structured processes to transform painful relational dynamics, create safety and connection, and increase passion.
An effective, research based modality, IRT offers both short term therapy and a deeper long term approach for couples in distress. It teaches clear strategies which will transform your work with both individuals and couples. The Imago relationship Therapy model is based on psychological theories from Freud to Neuroscience, woven into dialogue-based interventions which deepen connection.
Learning and integrating the Imago model into your practice can make working with couples more fun, rewarding and successful.
The Imago structure can help couples create conscious, loving relationships and clinicians report finding renewed confidence and excitement with couples work!
“I can say unequivocally that Imago Relationship Therapy is the most effective model for understanding and improving Relationships. It works!” Pat Love (EdD and author of Hot Monogomy) For more information see Imago Relationship Therapy.
If you can’t attend any of the current trainings, please do register your interest for future trainings or ask any questions, by emailing info@relationships.co.nz .
You may like to consider attending a ‘Getting the Love You Want’ Couples Workshop, in the meantime. These workshops are a co-requisite of the Clinical Training Programme, and are an opportunity to experience Imago, from a personal perspective. See https://www.relationships.co.nz/couples-workshop-overview/
- Imago Fundamentals – Two Day Training (DAYS 1&2)
- Clinical Training in Imago Relationship Therapy – Clinical Skills 1 and 2 (DAYS 3-12)
- Certification as an Imago Relationship Therapist
- Advanced Trainings
- Facilitator Training in Imago Relationship Therapy – Facilitator Skills 1 and 2 (DAYS 3-12) for NON-THERAPISTS
These trainings have been presented by Brenda Rawlings and/or Peter McMillan since 2007. Brenda passed over in February 2022, after a two and a half year journey with brain cancer. The trainings continue to be presented by Peter McMillan.
1. Imago Fundamentals – Two Day Training
See Imago Fundamentals FLYER
This Two Day Training is designed to improve and transform your effectiveness in working with couples. You will be presented with an overview of Imago Relationship Therapy (IRT), a coherent, comprehensive and dynamic theory and practice offering an effective, research-based method for working with couples.
This training offers both an introduction to Imago Therapy and is the first two days of the 12 day Clinical Training Programme, for those who wish to train further.
It is different from the ‘Getting the Love You Want’ Couples Workshop, which is a two day experiential component for couples. You may however, like to consider attending a ‘Getting the Love You Want’ Couples Workshop as well, as this is an opportunity to experience Imago from a personal perspective.
Please contact us if you would like further information about this. See Couples Workshops
Learning Objectives
- Gain an overview of the theory and practice of IRT, including demonstration and experiential practice of the three steps of the Imago Dialogue
- Learn how to coach attuned, connectional experiences for couples
- Enable couples to understand their journey from romantic love through to disconnection, frustration and conflict, and to restore connection, passion and hope.
- Gain an in-depth understanding of relational dynamics from both an attachment and developmental perspective, incorporating developments from clinical research and neuroscience.
- Introduction to the Relational Paradigm, and what it means to view couple dynamics through a relational and dialogical lens
- Introduction to the impact of neuro-biological functioning on couple relationships, the need to integrate the positive, and clear steps for relationship repair which promote safety and connection
These two days can be taken independently without proceeding to further Imago Clinical Training (Clinical Skills 1 and 2).
The training discusses and deepens relational understanding and doing the training together with your partner can be a powerful growth experience. Partners, who are not therapists or trainees, are invited to attend this Two Day Training and can continue with all of the training, provided having already attended the ‘Getting the Love You Want’ Couples Workshop. Non-therapist partners attend at half-price.
Imago Fundamentals – Two Day Training
Hamilton | 28/29 March 2025 | Fri/Sat |
Auckland | 04/05 April 2025 | Fri/Sat |
Whangarei | 04/05 July 2025 | Fri/Sat |
Auckland | 07/08 July 2025 | Fri/Sat |
Tauranga | 11/12 July 2025 | Fri/Sat |
Auckland | 08/09 August 2025 | Fri/Sat |
Payment can be made via internet banking or credit card.
Imago Fundamentals – Two Day Training | $425 Early Bird $495 Standard |
2. Clinical Training in Imago Relationship Therapy
Clinical Skills 1 and 2
Imago Clinical Training focuses on Imago clinical processes, clinical demonstrations and review of participants’ cases. It is open to Counsellors, Psychotherapists, Psychologists and Counselling Social Workers, or those in training, who wish to extend their skills or specialise in working with couples.
This Clinical Training comprises the following options:
- Clinical Skills 1 (Days 3-7) 5 Days
- Clinical Skills 2 (Days 8-12) 5 Days
Clinical Skills 1 (Days 3-7) 5 Days
Pre-requisites for this training are attendance at the Imago Fundamentals – Two Day Training (see above) and core competencies in counseling, psychology and/or psychotherapy.
Places are limited for this training.
PLEASE NOTE If trainees wish to become a Certified Imago Relationship Therapist, one of the requirements is full membership of specific professional associations. This membership is not required to attend the Clinical Skills trainings. Please contact us for further information.
Learning objectives include:
- Expanding the repertoire of the Imago Dialogue, including affective deepening. The appropriate use of sentence stems, focusing and ‘doubling’ will be explored.
- Learn the important elements and a clear protocol for the Initial Session, allowing therapists to establish safety and connection, whilst also obtaining necessary information and laying the groundwork for the work. This includes recognition of the unique needs and therapeutic tasks of the initial session.
- Introduction and Practice of the Dialogical Intervention of Parent/Child Dialogue to withdraw projections, expand empathy and deepen connection.
- The ability to use Relationship Visioning to deepen a sense of working together and hope for the future.
- Learning how to enable couples to be present with each other in the moment, softening the space between them and building limbic resonance and emotional co-regulation.
- Take away a deeper understanding of how to work with the impact of childhood experience on adult relationship dynamics using a present day focus.
- An understanding of the reactive interactional cycles which arise through attachment and developmental wounding and how to work with this.
- Learn emotionally focused tools for working with couples with attachment wounds
- Further consolidation and practice of Imago Dialogue
- Introduction and Practice of the Dialogical Interventions of the Behaviour Change Dialogue to work with frustration, development empathy and withdraw projection.
- Enable partners to find the ‘gold’ in the power struggle, the needs underneath their frustrations and conflict, and the means to powefully shift this dynamic.
- Teach couples how to become a source of growth and healing for each other.
- Theoretical understanding of the psychological journey, stages of relationship and partner selection, emotional symbiosis and the need for differentiation in couple dynamics.
- A focus on re-romanticising and working with positive interventions which build connection and secure bonds between couples.
- Recognition and understanding of the fear of pleasure and difficulties in Receiving Love in couple relationships.
Clinical Skills 2 (Days 8-12) 5 Days
Pre-requisite for this training is attendance at Clinical Skills 1. See above.
PLEASE NOTE Attendance at a ‘Getting the Love You Want’ Couples Workshop is a requirement for Certification, but it is highly recommended that you attend a workshop as early as possible in the training programme, and preferably prior to Day 8.
If you do not have a partner, then a friend, relative or colleague will qualify. Please contact us if you would like to discuss this further.
For more information Couples Workshops
Places are limited for this training.
Learning objectives include:
- Consolidation and supervision of the Imago Dialogue and Behaviour Change Dialogue.
- Experiential work which will deepen your understanding and skills.
- Introduction and Practice of the Dialogical interventions of Commitment Dialogue, Holding Exercise, Positive Flooding.
- Focus on working with sexual issues between couples.
- Deepen understanding of the reactive interactional cycles which arise through attachment and developmental wounding and how to work with this.
- Learn more emotionally focused tools for working with couples with attachment wounds
- Learn about the Self and the way we defend ourselves in response to connectional rupture, the impact on relationship and the use of dialogical interventions for repair
- Gain insight into how to work with couples in crisis and how to work with highly reactive couples through the use of particular interventions, the use of containment and affect regulation.
- Learn how to track energy within the therapist and couple and to use the concept of ‘The Space Between’.
- An emphasis throughout this work on building empathy, romance and appreciation. Learn clear steps for relational repair
This is a requirement for Certification, but it is highly recommended that you attend a ‘Getting the Love You Want’ Couples Workshop as early as possible in the training programme and preferably, prior to Day 8. If you do not have a partner, then a friend, relative or colleague will qualify. Please contact us if you would like to discuss this further.
For more information Couples Workshops
We want to enable you to transform your work with couples. It is possible to feel enlivened and passionate about working with couples, no matter what they bring.We believe that you will leave this training inspired in your work with couples, and significantly impacted in your work with individuals and families. There is no better way to help children than to ensure they live in a peaceful, loving environment with parents who are able to connect and feel passionate about their relationship.
As an Imago relationship therapist you will:
- Help couples to understand the relationship journey from romantic love through to potential disconnection, frustration and conflict, and enable them to restore connection, passion and hope
- Gain in-depth understanding of relationship dynamics from both an attachment and developmental perspective
- Incorporate developments in clinical research and neuroscience into your work with couples
- Learn affective, cognitive and behavioural interventions which will allow you to hold couples safely in processes which offer them the opportunity and capacity to make sense of their negative interactional cycles
- Learn clear steps for relationship repair
- Coach attuned and connecting experiences for couples through the use of Imago Dialogue and other dialogical and relational processes
- Join a growing group of committed couples therapists in New Zealand and an alive, energised and creative international community dedicated to transforming relationships.
Clinical Skills 1 (Days 3-7) | Auckland | 13-17 September 2025 (Sat-Wed) |
Clinical Skills 2 (Days 8-12) | Auckland | 03-07 December 2025 (Wed-Sun) |
Payment can be made via internet banking or credit card.
Clinical Skills 1 and 2 – Fees
Clinical Skills 1 and 2 (Days 3-12) Discounted option for payment for 10 days upfront | TBA |
Clinical Skills 1 (Days 3-7) | TBA |
Clinical Skills 2 (Days 8-12) | TBA |
If you attend the training with your partner:
- there is a 50% reduction in your partner’s fee for Clinical Skills 1&2, if your partner is joining you on the training out of personal interest
- there is an 20% reduction in your partner’s fee for Skills 1&2, if your partner is on the Clinical track
‘Getting the Love You Want’ Couples Workshop – Fees
Couples Workshop Preferably attend prior to Day 8 | $825 Early Bird per couple $895 Standard Fee per couple | Due one month prior Due one week prior |
Supervision – Fees
Supervision | Fees vary depending on the supervision arrangement |
Assessment Fee for final video | $368 |
3. Certification
(as an Imago Relationship Therapist)
Graduates of the Clinical Training Programme in IRT are eligible for Clinical Membership of Imago Relationships International. This distinction qualifies them, among other things, to call themselves Certified Imago Therapists and allows them to be listed on the website of Imago Aotearoa New Zealand (IANZ).
- Full attendance at all twelve days of clinical training.
- Attend a “Getting the Love You Want – Couples Workshop” as a participant, with your partner or other person. Please contact us for further clarification.
- Execute an “Understandings and Agreements” contract.
- Complete 6 post-training supervission sessions, either individual or group, spanning a minimum of 6 months.
- Submit a minimum of 4 videos of clinical work with couples during Days 3-12 (max of 2) and during post-training supervision.
- Complete two written reports, following the training, as outlined by the Clinical Instructor.
- Serve as clinical support staff at a “Getting the Love You Want – Couples Workshop” , with a Certified Presenter, following completion of course requirements.
- Submit one video of your work with couples, for assessment to your Clinical Instructor, after completion of the supervision requirements.
- Be a Member of a recognized Professional Association with a Code of Ethics
- In New Zealand, eligibility includes, but is not exclusive to, membership of NZAC, NZAP, NZCCA, PBANZ, NZPsS or NZCCP.
- If you are a member of an organisation, not specifically mentioned above, then please contact us for further information.
- Have current Indemnity Insurance at a minimum of $500 000.
- Submit a signed copy of the Clinical Member Agreement.
Please enquire about a detailed document on the certification requirements.
4. Advanced Trainings
No Advanced Trainings are currently scheduled.
5. Facilitator Training in Imago Relationship Therapy
Facilitator Skills 1 and 2 – for Non-Therapists (Days 3-12)
This training is suitable for non-clinicians who wish to broaden their experience and capabilities in applying Imago work in any educational, business, professional or personal setting. You will gain an in-depth understanding of relationship dynamics and communication. Certification is optional.
Pre-requisites for entry into the Facilitator Training Programme:
- Attend a “Getting the Love You Want” – Couples Workshop
The Couples Workshop must be completed with your partner at a Couples Workshop presented by a Certified Imago Workshop Presenter. If you do not have a partner, then a friend, relative or colleague will qualify. It is highly recommended that this requirement is completed prior to Day 8 of the Training Programme. It is beneficial to attend the workshop as early as possible in the programme.
Please contact us if you have any queries regarding this requirement.
- Submit two letters of recommendation from professionals that affirm you can assimilate tertiary level education and would be a contribution to a class of tertiary level professionals.
Requirements for Certification as an Imago Relationship Facilitator
- Full attendance at all twelve days of training.
- Imago Fundamentals – Two Day Training
- Facilitation Skills 1 (Days 3-7) – 5 days
- Facilitation Skills 2 (Days 8-12) – 5 days
- During Facilitation Skills 1 and 2, present a video sample of your work facilitating an Imago Dialogue with a couple.
- Complete two reports following the training, as outlined by Clinical Instructors.
- Serve as clinical support staff on a “Getting the Love You Want – Couples Workshop” within one year of completion of course requirements.
- Submit a project as discussed and agreed upon with the Clinical Instructor.
Graduate Permissions and Benefits
Graduates of the Facilitator Training Programme in IRT are eligible for Facilitator Membership of Imago Relationships International. This distinction qualifies them, among other things, to call themselves Certified Imago Relationship Facilitators and allows them to be become a member of Imago Aotearoa New Zealand and be listed on the website www.imago.org.nz
Facilitator Skills 1 (Days 3-7) | Auckland | 13-17 September 2025 (Sat-Wed) |
Facilitator Skills 2 (Days 8-12) | Auckland | 03-07 December 2025 (Wed-Sun) |
Payment can be made via internet banking or credit card.
Facilitator Skills 1 and 2 – Fees
Facilitation Skills 1 and 2 (Days 3-12) Discounted option for payment for 10 days upfront. | TBC |
Facilitation Skills 1 (Days 3-7) | TBC |
Facilitation Skills 2 (Days 8-12) | TBC |
If you attend with your partner:
- there is a 50% reduction in your partner’s fee for Facilitator Skills 1&2, if your partner is joining you on the training out of personal interest
- there is an 20% reduction in your partner’s fee for Skills 1&2, if your partner is on the Facilitator track
‘Getting the Love You Want’ Couples Workshop – Fees
Couples Workshop Attend prior to the training | $795 Early Bird per couple $850 Standard Fee per couple | Due one month prior Due one week prior |
Assessment of Project – Fees
Please contact us on info@relationships.co.nz to register.