Imago in Australia 2022-02-07T23:27:58+00:00

Imago in Australia

Getting The Love You Want – Couples Workshops

If you want a stronger, more loving, lasting relationship or improved communication, increased passion and fun or skills for long-term success, then this Couples workshop is for you.

There are no Couples Workshops scheduled in Australia in 2022.

To Register Couples Workshop Registration

For more information  Couples Workshops


Imago Relationship Therapy Training                                                                                                        for Counsellors, Psychologists, Psychotherapists & Social Workers:

No Clinical Training in Imago Relationship Therapy is scheduled in Australia in 2022.  If you are interested in receiving information for future trainings, please let us know now by emailing us here

For more information see Imago Training

Please note that attendance at a Getting the Love You Want – Couples Workshop (see above), is a co-requisite of the Clinical Training and it is advantageous to attend this as early as possible in the training process or even prior to starting.  You do need to attend with your partner, but if you don’t have a partner, you can attend with a family member, friend, colleague or another trainee.